1Anntoly Volynels. A co-founder of Often Studios, Anatoly is a scholar. He is an expert in philosophy and psychology of education and creativity.http: //www. ibiblio. org/studioforrecording/bdminibios. html.
2Daniel J Gexvais is an associate professor, faculty of Law (Common Law Section), University of Ottawa; former head of Section of WIPO and Legal Officer at the GATT/WTO. http: //www. heinmline. com.
3Birgitte Andersen ,If "Intellectual Property Rights"is the Answer-what is the Question?September 16th ,2002.
4Paul W J de Biil, Competition, Innovation and Future-Proof Policy, 3 May, 2004.http://www.encore. nl/publicatons/Competition % 20Innovation % 20and % 20Future-Proof% 20Policy. pdf.
5Birgitte Anderson, If"Intellectual Property Rights"is the Answer-What is the Question? September 16th, 2002.
6International Copyright & Neighboring Rights,S M Stewart Butterworth &Co Ltd 1989, p. 8.
7The Sonny llano Copyright Term Extension Act,http: //www.copyrightextension.org/page01.html.
8Traditional Knougedge, Innovations and Practices Introduction.http: //www. biodiv, org/programmes/socio-eco/traditional/default.asp.