
基于改进Marching Cubes算法的乳腺MRI肿块三维重建 被引量:5

Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Breast MRI Masses Based on Improved Marching Cubes Algorithm
摘要 核磁共振成像MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)是目前乳腺癌肿块诊断的常用辅助手段,对图像的正确解析是关键,针对传统MC(Marching Cubes)面绘制算法应用于乳腺MRI图像的不足,提出了改进方法。首先利用乳腺MRI序列图相邻帧间图像灰度分布的相似,肿块组织形状相近等相关性,在RSF(Region-Scalable Fitting)模型的基础上利用初始轮廓迭代的方法提取肿块区域。接着将多组参数下获得的结果,依据每一帧与其前后帧的重叠面积越大越好作为条件进行筛选,使提取的等值面最优化。最后采用基于加权二次误差度量的三角形折叠方法,对面绘制产生的大量三角网格进行了简化。将所提出的改进方法应用于30例乳腺MRI序列图,实验结果表明,对于乳腺MRI肿块的三维重建在精度和绘制速度上都比使用传统MC算法有很大提高。 MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)has become one of the primary means of breast cancer ' s diagnosis.An improved method based on MC(Marching Cubes)surface rendering algorithm is proposed,which is applied to the three-dimensional reconstruction of the breast MRI masses.By analyzing the imaging characteristics of breast MRI sequences and the correlation between adjacent layers,which include the similarity of adjacent interframe image gray distribution and mass organizations shape,an isosurface extraction algorithm based on RSF(Region-scalable Fitting)is proposed firstly.Then,in accordance with the conditions of the overlapping area of each frame with its front and rear frame the bigger the better,filter the results obtained under the multiple sets of parameters to optimize the extraction of contour surface.Finally,simplify a large number of triangular mesh generated in surface rendering,by using the triangular folding method based on weighted quadratic error metric.The proposed method was applied to 30 cases of breast MRI sequence diagram and the experimental results showed that it performed better than the conventional MC algorithm on the accuracy and speed of rendering for three-dimensional reconstruction of the breast MRI masses.
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期439-445,共7页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 国家自然科学基金(60705016,61205200,61001215) 浙江省自然科学基金(LY12F03003,LY12F01005)
关键词 医学图像处理 MRI肿块三维重建 帧间相关性 Marching Cubes 三角网格简化 medical image processing MRI mass 3D reconstruction inter-frame correlation marching cubes triangular mesh simplification
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