
高强度短寿命核素对其它峰计数率和半衰期影响的研究 被引量:1

The Effects of High-intensity Short-lived Nuclides on Count Rate and Half-life
摘要 利用HPGe探测器及DSPECPIus谱仪的活时间校准模式(LTC)和零死时间校准模式(ZDT),对含有高强度短寿命核素的混合样品作了测量。结果表明:在计数率急剧变化的情况下,LTC方法测得的峰计数经修正以后仍然存在计数丢失;与ZDT模式的数据相比,初始阶段数据丢失率约2.O%~3.8%。这部分不能正确修正的计数对短寿命核素的半衰期几乎没有影响,但是对半衰期相对较长的核素有一定的影响,实验中,LTC和ZDT两种模式下24Na的半衰期相差了2.56%。 Samples containing short - lived nuclides were measured with the two modes of Live - Time Clock (LTC) and Zero- Dead -Time counting (ZDT). A counting- loss with the range of 2.0% to 3.8% is dis- covered when the count rate changed significantly at the initial phase. The counting- loss almost has no effect on the short - lived nuclides, but, it has some impact on longer half - life nuclides. The measurement results show that there has a difference of 2.56% to 24Na compare with LTC to ZDT mode.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期442-447,共6页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 短寿命核素 死时间 活时间校准模式 零死时间校准模式 计数率 半衰期 short - lived radioisotopes dead - time LTC ZDT count - rate half - life
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