
巴西橡胶树选育种研究现状、趋势及我国的研究策略 被引量:13

Present Situation and Trend of Hevea brasiliensis Breeding and Research Strategy in China
摘要 巴西橡胶树是天然橡胶的主要来源,其引种至今不到150年,各国选育出一系列适合本国植胶环境条件的品种并向生产推荐种植,优良品种单位产量较未经选择的实生树提高4~5倍,选育种工作对其快速商业化发展起到了积极作用。目前世界橡胶树选育种呈现出目标多元化、亲本范围扩大化、技术多样化、路线精简化等趋势。结合世界橡胶树选育种发展趋势及我国对橡胶树选育种的需求,提出了我国未来一段时间的选育种研究策略。 Hevea Brasiliensis is the main origin of natural rubber.The introduction of Hevea Brasiliensis was less than 150 years.Rubber tree planting countries had bred a series of cultivars adapting to the environment respectively.The yield of current cultivars increased four to five times than the unselected seedlings and breeding plays an active role in it.At present breeding of Hevea Brasiliensis showed the tendency of varying target,broadened parents,diversified technique and simplified route.Based on the tendency of global breeding and the requirement of our country,some breeding strategies were provided for recent time.
出处 《热带农业科学》 2013年第6期30-36,共7页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
基金 国家天然橡胶产业技术体系(No.CARS-34)
关键词 巴西橡胶树 选育种 现状 策略 Hevea Brasiliensis breeding advance strategy
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