
利用QCM-D研究ZDDP在不锈钢表面的吸附行为 被引量:4

Study on the Adsorption Behavior of ZDDP on Stainless Steel Surface Using QCM-D
摘要 利用耗散型石英单晶微天平(QCM-D)研究了ZDDP在不锈钢表面的吸附行为。结果发现,ZDDP分子中的烷基结构对其吸附行为有重要影响,含芳基结构的ZDDP在不锈钢表面吸附力强,吸附量大,而且形成的吸附膜比较致密,刚性强;而含多种烷基结构的ZDDP在不锈钢表面形成的吸附膜结构松散,表现出明显黏弹性能;清净剂的存在会影响ZDDP的吸附行为,硫化烷基酚钙吸附膜会屏蔽ZDDP在不锈钢表面的吸附,而合成磺酸钙能与ZDDP形成稳定共吸附。 The adsorption behavior of ZDDP on stainless steel surface was studied using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). Results showed that the structure of alkyl groups in the ZDDP molecule is an important parameter to regulate the adsorption behavior. When a ZDDP containing aryl groups is measured, a stronger adsorption on stainless steel surface is observed, and a relatively more compact and rigid adlayer is formed. Nevertheless, when a ZDDP with hybrid alkyl groups is used, a loose and viscoelastic adlayer is formed readily. Besides, it was found that detergents have significant impact on ZDDP adsorption process. When the steel surface is preoccupied with sulfurized calcium alkyl phenates, it would be hard for ZDDP molecules to access further, but if the preoccupation is replaced with synthetic calcium sulfonates, a steady co - adlayer would be formed, which implies the significance to choose suitable additives when develo-ping a lubricant additive package.
出处 《润滑油》 CAS 2013年第3期55-60,共6页 Lubricating Oil
关键词 QCM—D ZDDP 表面吸附 QCM-D ZDDP surface adsorption
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