

摘要 Tykocinski和Pittman(1995)首先提出了不作为惯性的概念。不作为惯性发生在个体已经错过更具吸引力的机会的前提下,当较次一些的类似机会再次出现时,个体不愿对这一机会有所作为(即放弃这一机会)。从这一概念提出至今,在各个领域,不作为惯性都有着越来越广泛的研究和运用。文章首先介绍了不作为惯性的概念;然后总结了对不作为惯性产生的原因的研究,包括心理账户理论、后悔理论和估价解释;之后归纳了不作为惯性产生的条件的相关研究;最后总结了关于不作为惯性的应用研究和对不作为惯性的研究方法,并指出了未来的研究方向。 Inaction inertia was first described by Tykocinski and Pittman.Inaction intertia occurs when missing a much more attractive opportunity,one would have the tendency of droping the second less attractive opportunity.It has been widely researched and used in all area, since it had been proposed. Firstly,the work introduced the concept of inaction inertia;Secondly,it summarized the cause of inaction inertia,including the mental accounting theory,regret theory and valuation theory;Thirdly,sum up the relevant researches about the conditions of inducing inaction inertia.Finally,this paper discussed the application researches and the re- search method of inaction inertia,and future reasearch direction was proposed in this paper.
作者 张凡
机构地区 湖南师范大学
出处 《社会心理科学》 2013年第5期27-31,共5页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 不作为惯性 心理账户 后悔 估价 inaction inertia mental accounting regret valuation
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