

Maximum Likelihood Blind Separation of Convolutively Mixed Discrete Sources
摘要 In this paper,a Maximum Likelihood(ML) approach,implemented by Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithm,is proposed to blind separation of convolutively mixed discrete sources.In order to carry out the expectation procedure of the EM algorithm with a less computational load,the algorithm named Iterative Maximum Likelihood algorithm(IML) is proposed to calculate the likelihood and recover the source signals.An important feature of the ML approach is that it has robust performance in noise environments by treating the covariance matrix of the additive Gaussian noise as a parameter.Another striking feature of the ML approach is that it is possible to separate more sources than sensors by exploiting the finite alphabet property of the sources.Simulation results show that the proposed ML approach works well either in determined mixtures or underdetermined mixtures.Furthermore,the performance of the proposed ML algorithm is close to the performance with perfect knowledge of the channel filters. In this paper, a Maximum Likelihood (ML) approach, implemented by Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, is proposed to blind separation of convolutively mixed discrete sources. In order to carry out the expectation procedure of the EM algorithm with a less computational load, the algorithm named Iterative Maximum Likelihood algorithm (IML) is proposed to calculate the likelihood and recover the source signals. An important feature of the ML approach is that it has robust performance in noise environments by treating the covariance matrix of the additive Gaussian noise as a parameter. Another striking feature of the ML approach is that it is possible to separate more sources than sensors by exploiting the finite alphabet property of the sources. Simulation results show that the proposed ML approach works well either in determined mixtures or underdetermined mixtures. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed ML algorithm is close to the performance with perfect knowledge of the channel filters.
出处 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期60-67,共8页 中国通信(英文版)
基金 supportedin part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61001106 the National Key Basic Research Program of China(973 Program) under Grant No. 2009CB320400
关键词 最大似然算法 混合离散 盲分离 期望最大化 EM算法 鲁棒性能 迭代计算 协方差矩阵 Blind Source Separation convolutive mixture EM Finite Alphabet
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