
英语记叙文/说明文写作任务同伴互评反馈表现特征及个体差异 被引量:5

On the Representations and the Individual Differences between Teacher Feedback and Peer Revision in English Academic Writing Process
摘要 本研究以114名英语专业一年级学生为被试,实施英语记叙文/说明文写作任务同伴互评反馈,旨在探讨同伴互评反馈表现特征及个体差异。研究结论如下:同伴互评反馈结果并非完全有效,尤其是语言运用和题材规范项目;同伴互评反馈结果不能有效区分同一写作水平群体内不同写作水平的个体,并且随着写作任务难度增加区分能力也随之减弱;同伴互评反馈不能完全取代教师评阅反馈,学生只能参与写作文本部分项目评阅活动。 Taking 114 first-year English majors of a foreign studies university in China as subjects,the present study carried out a battery of experiments to investigate the representations and individual differences between teacher feedback and peer revision of the English narrative / expository writing tasks.The results show that compared with teacher feedback,the performances evaluated by peer revision do not prove to be valid,especially those of the language use item and the genre requirements item;the performances done by peer revision can not effectively distinguish the individuals of the different English writing proficiency within the same English writing proficiency group,and the more difficult the tasks are,the weaker the ability of distinguishing becomes;peer revision can not replace teacher feedback,and students can only take part in some of the evaluation items in students’writing texts.
作者 白丽茹
出处 《山东外语教学》 北大核心 2013年第3期58-63,共6页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目"阅读障碍的成分模型检测及亚类型鉴定理论与实证研究"(项目编号:09YJA740085) 天津外国语大学2011年校级教改立项重点项目"大学基础英语写作同伴互评反馈模式测量评价表编制"(项目编号:TJWD-11A-005)的部分研究成果
关键词 同伴互评 教师评阅 表现特征 个体差异 peer revision teacher feedback representations individual differences
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