对交流电牵引采煤机使用在倾斜煤层工作面的有关问题进行了分析和探讨 ,并提出某些参数的计算方法。
In a conventional frequency converter, a filter capacitance has two fixed terminals and the element of the rectification bridge is a diode. Except the filter capacitance can store a certain instant feedback energy, the converter can not regenerate electricity to make a braking and that is to say that the coal shearer with such converter could not meet the production requirement in a inclined coal mining face. The dynamic braking element of the converter can have a limited braking torque. Due to limitations of the rated power, the braking resistance power and heat radiation result of the braking element, the converter only can be operated in a short period or interim and can be suitable for small inclination or partially inclined longwall face. The converter with four phase limited operation can convert outer energy to electric energy feeding back to electric supply line which can have a regenerated power of braking torque. Therefore the braking torque can be effectively to control the equipment sliding.
Coal Science and Technology