本论文的主要目的是探究同一学科中论文摘要的组织结构的差异。为此,笔者从应用语言学领域的两本国际杂志(System和English for Specific Purposes)上选取了40篇摘要,运用新的五语步模型(研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论)对其进行对比分析。结果显示,应用语言学的两个方向的论文摘要组织结构上存在一些差异。同时笔者还将此次结果与Samraj(2005)就论文摘要研究的结果进行了比较。最后,基于本项研究结果,笔者对以后的论文写作教学以及日后对论文摘要的进一步研究提出一些建议。
This paper aims to explore the degree of variability in the move structure of research article abstracts. 40 research article abstracts are selected from two journals in the field of applied linguistics, namely System and English for Specific Purposes. The move structure of these 40 research article abstracts are analyzed by employing the new five-move model (situating the research, purposes, methods, results and conclusions). The quantitative results show that there are differences between the two subdisciplines. What Samraj (2005) found and findings of the present study are also contrasted in this paper. The differences have been pointed out. The results of the present study may have some implications for EAP writing pedagogy. In teaching and learning how to organize the research article abstracts, attention should be paid not only to move structure patterns prevalent in the wider disciplines, but also to the patterns employed in a particular subdiscipline.
RA abstracts
move structure
five-move model
variability within a single discipline