
成人圆孔锥形束CT测量研究 被引量:3

Radiographic Assessment of Foramen Rotundum by CBCT Imaging Technique
摘要 目的:探讨成人正常圆孔的解剖形态,为临床提供指导。方法:通过锥形束CT(CBCT)对200个正常国人的圆孔解剖形态进行观测。结果:圆孔与蝶窦的关系分为窦旁型、窦内型、部分窦内型3类。矢状面上圆孔的走行分为3类:①斜向前下方走行;②前后向走行,平行于横断面走行;③斜向前上方走行。(斜)横断面或横断面上圆孔的走行分3类:①前外到后内方走行;②由前向后互相平行走行;③前内向后外方向走行。矢状面上圆孔前方开口的直径为(3.35±0.61)mm,后方开口的直径为(3.28±0.60)mm,长度为(6.91±1.51)mm;(斜)横断面上圆孔前方开口的直径为(3.50±0.76)mm,后方开口的直径为(3.25±0.45)mm,长度为(6.83±1.76)mm;腭大孔到圆孔前方开口的距离为(34.91±2.31)mm。结论:CBCT可以精确地观测到圆孔的解剖形态,为临床手术提供指导。 Objective: To assess the anatomical features of foramen rotundum (FR) in normal adult persons. Methods: Data of anatomy relating the FR was examined and obtained by CBCT scans of 200 normal Chinese persons. Results: Three types of position related to the FR and the sphenoid sinus were discovered: ①FR obviously within the sphenoid sinus; ②FR partly within the sphenoid sinus; ③FR outside the sphenoid sinus. In the sagittal plane, three pathways were observed: ④FR travelled in an anterior-inferior direction; ⑤FR travelled in an anterior-posterior direction, parallel to the axial plane; ⑥FR travelled in an behind-inferior direction. In the oblique axial plane or the axial plane, three pathways were observed: ⑦FR travelled from anterior-external to behind-inside; ⑧FR travelled in an anterior-poster direction, parallel to level plane;⑨FR travelled from anterior-inside to behindexternal. In the sagittal plane, the length of FR was (6.91+1.51) mm, while the diameters of its anterior and posterior opening were (3.35+0.61) mm and (3.28~0.60) mm respectively. In the cross-sectional plane, the length of FR was (6.83~1.76) mm, while the diameters of its anterior and posterior opening were (3.50~0.76) mm and (3.25~0.45) mm respectively. The distance between the greater palatine foramen and the FR was (34.91~2.31) mm. Conclusion:CBCT provides high quality images if we use small field of view, and may play an important role to improve the clinical performance.
出处 《口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2013年第3期192-196,共5页 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
关键词 CBCT 圆孔 蝶窦 上颌神经阻滞麻醉 CBCT the foramen rotundum the sphenoid sinus maxillary nerve block anesthesia
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