
中国Y-STR数据库建设相关问题探讨 被引量:30

Development of Chinese Forensic Y-STR DNA Database
摘要 Y染色体是男性所特有的父系遗传染色体,Y染色体上的STR基因座已经大量应用于实际案件。本文总结了Y-STR的特性以及选择适合中国人群的Y-STR基因座所需要考虑的问题,展望了Y-STR在家系排查、亲缘搜索、来源人群推断、混合样本检验、亲缘关系鉴定等方面的应用前景,并探讨了Y-STR试剂盒研发、验证,Y-STR突变率,搜索软件等方面的问题,提出了相应的建议。 Y chromosome is a male-specific paternal inherited chromosome, the STP markers on I chromosome have been widely used in forensic practices. This article summarizes the characteristics of Y-STR and some factors are considered of selecting appropriate Y-STR markers for Chinese population. The prospects of existing and potential forensic applications of Y-STR profiles are discussed including familial excluding, familial searching, crowd source deducing, mixture sample testing, and kinship identi- fying. The research, development, verification of Y-STR kit, Y-STR mutation rate, and search software are explored and some suggestions are given.
出处 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第3期212-215,221,共5页 Journal of Forensic Medicine
关键词 法医遗传学 Y染色体 综述[文献类型] 短串联重复序列 DNA数据库 forensic genetics Y chromosome review [publication type] short tandem repeat DNA database
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