
家庭成员间活体器官及组织捐赠的伦理问题 被引量:1

Ethical Issues of Living Organ and Tissue Donation among Family Members
摘要 家庭成员间活体器官及组织捐赠是被绝大多数国家所允许的。虽然利益化减少了很多,但是目前发现其也存在许多的伦理问题。就家庭成员间活体器官及组织捐赠的伦理基础,以及就捐赠风险、种族差异、失衡之爱、操纵、拒绝、退出、潜在利益、特殊疾病等涉及的相关伦理问题进行综述,并就存在的相关问题的解决方法进行探讨。 Living organ and tissue donation among family members are allowed in the vast majority of countries. Although benefitissue is decreased, we found that there is a lot of ethical issue. It is worthy of being further investigated. In this pa- per, we review the ethical basis of living organ and tissue donation among family members, as well as review ethical issue of donation that refer to the risk, racial diversify, imbalance love, control, refusal, opt-out, potential benefit and special dis- eases. We also investigate the solution of these problems.
作者 韦安暄 蔡伦
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2013年第6期21-23,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 家庭成员 器官捐赠 组织捐赠 医学伦理 family member, organ donation, tissue donation, medical ethics
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