
特发性流出道室性期前收缩体表心电图207例分析 被引量:1

Surface electrocardiogram analysis of 207 outflow tract premature ventricular contractions
摘要 目的:分析特发性流出道室性期前收缩(室早,premature ventricular contractions,PVC)的体表心电图定位特征,进而指导射频导管消融。方法:回顾性分析连续207例接受射频消融治疗、术中经电生理检查和(或)心室造影,证实起源于左心室流出道(LVOT)或右室流出道(RVOT)室性心律失常(VAs)患者体表心电图特点,测量胸前导联R波、S波的振幅,分析胸前导联QRS波群R/S转换与起源部位的关系,R/S转换在V3导联时计算V2导联R/S振幅比值。结果:VAs时胸前导联R/S转换在V2或以前的VAs患者18(男8,女10)例,年龄23~87(44±17)岁,起源于LVOT 17例,特异性99%,敏感性68%。胸前导联R/S转换在V4或以后的共113(男43,女70)例,年龄4~73(42±14)岁,均起源于RVOT,特异性100%,敏感性62%。胸前导联R/S转换在V3的VAs患者76(男25,女51)例,年龄17~82(46±13)岁;起源于RVOT 68例,起源于LVOT 8例,V2导联R/S值比分别为0.32±0.17vs.0.64±0.21(P<0.05)。结论:流出道室早胸前导联R/S转换早于V2和晚于V4分别提示起源于LVOT和RVOT的特异性和敏感性均较高。转换在V3时,起源于LVOT的VAs胸前V2导联的R/S比值明显高于起源于RV-OT者。 AIM: To study the surface electrocardiogram(ECG) characteristics of outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias as possible guidance for catheter ablation.METHODS: ECG characteristics in 207 consecutive patients who underwent radiofrequency catheter ablation of VT/PVCs originating from LVOT or RVOT were analyzed,respectively.The amplitudes of R wave and S wave of precordial leads were measured.The relationship between the origin site and the precordial lead at which R/S translated was analyzed and R/S amplitude ratios were calculated.RESULTS: The number of patients whose transition of R/S on precordial leads was before lead V2,in lead V3 and after lead V4 were 18 [aged(44±17) years],76 [aged(46±13) years] and 113 [aged(42±14) years],respectively.In the 18 cases of R/S wave transition before lead V2,LVOT origin was defined in 17 patients(specificity 99%,sensitivity 68%,positive predictive value 94% and negative predictive value 96%).In the 113 cases of R/S transition after lead V4,RVOT origin was defined in all the patients(specificity 100%,sensitivity 62%,positive predictive value 100% and negative predictive value 26%.In the 76 cases of R/S wave transition in lead V3,RVOT and LVOT origin were defined in 68 patients and eight patients,respectively.The lead V2 R/S amplitude ratios from RVOT and LVOT were 0.32±0.17 vs.0.64±0.21(P〈0.05) respectively.CONCLUSIONS: The specificity of identifying the origin of ventricular arrhythmias from LVOT by R/S transition before lead V2 is high as well as the specificity and sensitivity of identifying origin from RVOT by R/S transition after lead V4.In the cases of R/S wave transition in lead V3,R/S amplitude ratios of the VAs originating from LVOT were higher than those from RVOT.
出处 《心脏杂志》 CAS 2013年第3期341-344,共4页 Chinese Heart Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(30670844) 辽宁省自然科学基金项目资助(22102250)
关键词 流出道 心动过速 室性 期前收缩 室性 R S转换 体表心电图定位 outflow tract ventricular tachycardia premature ventricular contractions R/S transition surface electrocardiogram
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