目的了解石家庄市大学生艾滋病知识、态度,通过血清学检测调查其患病情况,以便探索如何在大学生中更有效地开展艾滋病健康教育。方法 2011年1-10月,采用分层随机抽样方法,整群抽取石家庄市5所大学l~3年级部分大学生进行问卷调查并采血进行血清学检测。结果共调查1 683名大学生。大多数知晓艾滋病的基本知识,对共餐是否传播艾滋病及母婴传播问题上,男女知晓率存在一定差异。承认发生过性行为者占15.11%。血清学检查共发现梅毒阳性4例,患病率0.24%,丙肝阳性6例,患病率0.36%,HIV阳性1例,患病率0.06%。结论石家庄市大学生艾滋病相关知识知晓率较高且存在高危性行为。学校内开展的艾滋病健康教育是预防大学生感染艾滋病的最方便有效途径。
Objective To investigate the knowledge attitude and behaviors about HIV/AIDS as well as the sicken situation with the serology detection, so as to explore how to carry out HIV/AIDS health education among col- lege students in Shijiazhuang. Method From January to October in 2011, using stratified random sampling method, an anonymous survey was carried out in 1 -3 grades of 5 colleges and the blood sampling was tested. Results A total of 1 683 students were investigated. Most of them had essential knowledge about AIDS, but there were sex differences on the knowledge about whether AIDS spread by having dinner together or from mother to baby (P 〈0. 05) . 15. 11% of the students had sexual behavior. 4 cases of blood sampling were detected with syphilis, and the prevalence rate was 0. 24%, 6 cases were detected with hepatitis C (0.36%), with the prevalence rate of 0.06%. Conclusions College students in Shijiazhuang had the high rate of AIDS - related knowledge and they had risk behaviors. It is one of the most convenient and effective ways to develop AIDS health education at colleges for preventing AIDS among students.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
College students
Sexual behavior