
循环移动热载荷下压力管道弯头的安定性 被引量:4

Shakedown Analysis of the Pressure Piping Bend under Cycle Moving Thermal Loadings
摘要 利用通用有限元软件ANSYS研究了循环移动热载荷下压力管道弯头的安定性。结果表明,在稳态循环热载荷条件下,若将直管安定评定图中直管的极限载荷采用弯管的极限载荷代替后,得到弯管的弹性安定评定图与直管安定评定图基本一致;热流在弯头段和直管段高速移动时的安定域均较低速移动时小;温度载荷低速移动时直管段和弯管段的弹性安定极限基本一致。本研究对循环移动热载荷下压力管道弯头的安定性设计和评估有一定的指导意义。 The shakedown behavior of the pressure piping bend under cyclic moving thermal loadings was researched by finite element software ANSYS. The results showed that the elastic shakedown assessment diagram of the bend can be obtained by substituting the limit load of the bend for the limit load of the straight piping in the shakedown assessment diagram of the straight piping under the steady condition. Mo- reover, the shakedown domain of the bend segment and the straight piping section under the high - speed moving temperature load is smaller than those of under the low - speed moving state. Furthermore, the shakedown domain of straight piping segment and bend section under the low - speed moving temperature load is consistent proximately. It has directive significance for the shakedown design and evaluation of the pressure piping bend under cycle moving thermal loadings.
出处 《压力容器》 2013年第4期67-70,共4页 Pressure Vessel Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50976080) 武汉工程大学科学研究基金项目(14125061)
关键词 安定性 移动热载荷 弯头 压力管道 shakedown moving thermal loadings bend pressure piping
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