
Distribution, Morphology, and Chemical Composition of Fe-Mn Nodules in Albeluvisols of the Carpathian Foothills, Poland 被引量:7

Distribution, Morphology, and Chemical Composition of Fe-Mn Nodules in Albeluvisols of the Carpathian Foothills, Poland
摘要 Iron and manganese oxides are common components of soils. They frequently occur in nodules constituting important soil sorbents and play a crucial role in a number of chemical reactions in the soil environment. In addition, the oxides are very sensitive to environmental changes (moisture, pH, Eh) constituting important indicators of soil-forming processes and water movement in the landscape. The objectives of the study were: i) to examine the distribution and size of Fe-Mn nodules in Albeluvisols containing a fragipan horizon; ii) to determine the morphology and chemical composition of the nodules, and iii) to estimate the effect of the fragipan horizon on water movement within the soil profile. An investigation was carried out on five soil profiles containing a fragipan horizon and classified as Fragic Albeluvisols within the Carpathian Foothills in Poland. In the Albeluvisols studied, the maximum concentration of Fe-Mn nodules occurred in the horizon lying directly on the fragipan horizon. This suggests that the pan acts as a natural barrier restricting water infiltration and leads to the seasonal development of a perched water table promoting redox processes. The most common are coarse (1-0.5 mm) and medium (0.5-0.25 mm) irregular Fe-Mn nodules showing a gradual boundary and undifferentiated internal fabric. Eluvial horizons contained also larger amounts of round and dense nodules with a sharp boundary, suggesting frequent oxidation and reduction. The fragipan horizon contained mainly irregular and soft nodules, suggesting longer saturation with water during the year. Concentrations of trace elements (Cu, Zn) and P were higher within Fe-Mn nodules than in the surrounding soil materials, showing that iron and manganese oxides adsorbed and immobilised these elements. Iron and manganese oxides are common components of soils. They frequently occur in nodules constituting important soil sorbents and play a crucial role in a number of chemical reactions in the soil environment. In addition, the oxides are very sensitive to environmental changes (moisture, pH, Eh) constituting important indicators of soil-forming processes and water movement in the landscape. The objectives of the study were: i) to examine the distribution and size of Fe-Mn nodules in Albeluvisols containing a fragipan horizon; ii) to determine the morphology and chemical composition of the nodules, and iii) to estimate the effect of the fragipan horizon on water movement within the soil profile. An investigation was carried out on five soil profiles containing a fragipan horizon and classified as Fragic Albeluvisols within the Carpathian Foothills in Poland. In the Albeluvisols studied, the maximum concentration of Fe-Mn nodules occurred in the horizon lying directly on the fragipan horizon. This suggests that the pan acts as a natural barrier restricting water infiltration and leads to the seasonal development of a perched water table promoting redox processes. The most common are coarse (1-0.5 mm) and medium (0.5-0.25 mm) irregular Fe-Mn nodules showing a gradual boundary and undifferentiated internal fabric. Eluvial horizons contained also larger amounts of round and dense nodules with a sharp boundary, suggesting frequent oxidation and reduction. The fragipan horizon contained mainly irregular and soft nodules, suggesting longer saturation with water during the year. Concentrations of trace elements (Cu, Zn) and P were higher within Fe-Mn nodules than in the surrounding soil materials, showing that iron and manganese oxides adsorbed and immobilised these elements.
出处 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期445-454,共10页 土壤圈(英文版)
基金 Supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (No. N N305 120934)
关键词 铁锰结核 红砂土 喀尔巴阡山脉 漂白 化学成分 波兰 氧化还原过程 土壤环境 fragipan horizon, iron oxides, manganese oxides, perched water table, redox processes
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