
计算机化医生医嘱录入系统对医护合作性沟通的影响研究 被引量:4

The Reserch on Effect of Computerize Physician Order Entry System to Cooperative Communication between Doctors and Nurses
摘要 在介绍计算机化医生医嘱录入系统(CPOE)以及医护合作性沟通的基础上,结合中国知网(CNKI)和PubMed数据库的相关文献进行回顾研究。从CPOE的影响及医护沟通自身组织模式的影响两方面进行分析,结果表明CPOE的引入对医护合作沟通的影响是多方面的,不能单纯评论其利弊。 Based on the introduction to Computerize Physician Order Entry System (CPOE) and cooperative communication between doctors and nurses, the paper is combing the literature review of which CKNI & PubMed collected, analyzing effect of CPOE and its or- ganization mode of communication between doctors and nurses. The results show that the introduction of CPOE influence on communica- tion between doctors and nurses are various, not only review the pros and cons.
作者 梁丽花
出处 《医学信息学杂志》 CAS 2013年第6期39-42,共4页 Journal of Medical Informatics
关键词 计算机化医生医嘱录入系统 医护合作 医疗差错 Computerize Physician Order Entry System (CPOE) Doctors -nurses cooperation Medical error
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