
中印经济发展潜力分析——基于产业结构的角度 被引量:2

Analysis on Economic Development Potential of China and Indian: From Perspective of Industrial Structure
摘要 参考韩国的经济发展历程,利用产业高级化指标评价产业结构,对中国和印度的产业结构进行对比分析,并通过分析劳动力转移预测未来两国的产业升级前景。研究结果表明:当前印度的产业结构状况优于中国,具有为其经济增长贡献的更大潜力;中国拥有更大的产业升级动力,将在未来缩小与印度的差距;两国的产业结构存在诸多相似问题,可通过广泛合作和共同研究来寻找解决之道。 This paper refers to the economic development history of Korea,and uses the industrial high-class index to evaluate industrial structure,and compares China’s and India’s industrial structures,and predicts two countries’future prospects of industrial upgrading through the analysis on labor transfer.The result shows as follows:India’s industrial structure is better than China’s,and is able to contribute more to India’s economic growth;China has greater industrial upgrading power,and would narrow the gap with India in the future;facing with many similar issues in industrial structure,two countries could find the solution through the cooperation and research.
作者 雷霆
出处 《技术经济》 CSSCI 2013年第6期57-64,129,共9页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 产业升级 经济增长 产业结构 industrial upgrading economic growth industrial structure
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