
超声骨刀结合涡轮钻法在复杂下颌阻生第三磨牙拔除中的应用 被引量:17

Clinical application of piezosurgery combined with high speed drill method in extraction of impacted wisdom tooth
摘要 目的比较涡轮钻法、超声骨刀法与超声骨刀结合涡轮钻法拔除复杂下颌阻生第三磨牙的临床效果,探讨较佳的拔牙方式。方法 90例患者随机分成3组,每组30例。A组采用涡轮钻法拔牙,B组采用超声骨刀法拔牙,C组采用超声骨刀结合涡轮钻法拔牙。观察3组患者手术时间、术后疼痛、肿胀程度、张口度、干槽症和下牙槽神经损伤情况。采用SPSS 13.0软件包进行统计学分析。结果 A组手术时间为(19.88±1.87)min,B组为(27.41±1.38)min,C组为(14.06±1.49)min;3组间两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后并发症发生情况:A组12例,B组4例,C组1例。结论超声骨刀结合涡轮钻法拔除复杂下颌阻生第三磨牙效率高、安全、微创,是较佳的拔牙方式。 Objective To study the operation time and complications in extraction of complicated impacled wisdom teeth by using high speed turbine handpiece, piezosurger), and piezosurgery combined with highspeed drill method respectively. Methods Ninely patients with impacted wisdom teeth were divided into three groups randomly, 30 patients in group A were extracted by high speed turbine handpieee, 30 in group B were extracted by piezosurgery device, and 30 patients in group C were extracted by piezosurgery device combined with high speed turbine handpieee. The surgery, time and pain, restriction of mouth opening, dry soeket and facial swelling after surgel7 were compared among three groups. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 software package. Results The average surgery time was ( 19.88 ±1.87) rain in group A, (27.41±1.3 ) rain in group B and ( 14.06±1. 49) rain in group C. The surgery time, pain, facial swelling rate, and restriction of month opening in group C were lower than group A and group B. Conclusion Compared with high speed turbine handpiece and piezosurgery device only, the average surgery time of piezosurgery combined with highspeed drill methods were significantly shorter and the complications were obviously reduced.
出处 《广东牙病防治》 2013年第6期314-317,共4页 Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment
关键词 阻生第三磨牙 微创外科 超声骨刀 高速涡轮钻 Impacted third molars Minimally invasive surgery Piezusurgery High speed turbine handpiece
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