
三唑醇对大型溞21d慢性毒性效应研究 被引量:1

Chronic Toxicity of Triadimenol toDaphnia magna in 21 d Toxicity Tests
摘要 以三唑醇为研究对象,参照标准方法进行三唑酮对大型溞的21 d慢性毒性研究.结果表明,大型溞产幼溞数和体长是对三唑醇最敏感的毒性指标,其慢性毒性下限值和慢性毒性上限值分别为152.4和304.8μg/L,小溞数目下降半数有效浓度为1 729.6μg/L.三唑醇对染毒的F1代会造成比较严重的子代畸形. Triadimenol,a kind of broad-spectrum triazole fungicides,is widely used in agricultural industry.But the application of triazole fungicides can result in the pollution of soil,water body and crop through rainfall,soil transportation,and air transportation,and cause some damage to the ecological environment.Triadimenol was selected to investigate their chronic toxicity toDaphnia magnaaccording to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development standard method.The results showed that number of neonates and body length were the most sensitive indicators to triadimenol,from which the values of lower chronic limit and upper chronic limit were determined to be 152.4μg/L and 304.8μg/L,respectively.Accordingly,the fecundity reduction median effective concentration was 1 729.6μg/L.In addition,Triadimenol caused exposed F1generation offspring serious deformities.
出处 《南开大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期77-82,共6页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis
基金 国家自然科学基金(21007045)
关键词 三唑醇 大型溞 慢性毒性 triadimenol Daphnia magna chronic toxicity
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