
纳米银导电层浸泡后处理方法的研究 被引量:1

Research on Immersing Post-Treatment Method of Nanometer Silver Conductive Layer
摘要 为了使纳米银印刷线路达到良好的导电性能,本实验对纳米银导电层的后处理过程进行了研究。先将用导电墨水涂布的样品依次浸泡在相同浓度的硝酸银溶液和水合肼溶液中,溶液浓度分别为1%、2%、5%、10%和20%,然后对浸泡后样品的导电性能进行研究。采用原子力显微镜对导电层的表面形貌进行表征,采用四探针电阻率测试仪测试样品的方块电阻,采用能谱仪和X射线衍射仪对导电层表面成分进行分析。实验发现,室温下导电墨水涂布样品依次经过2%的硝酸银溶液和2%水合肼溶液浸泡后,方块电阻达到最低(0.82Ω/□)。与加热法相比,相同样品用浸泡法处理后方块电阻更低。结果证明,对含有高温分解保护剂和大粒径纳米银颗粒的导电层而言,浸泡法是一个有效的后处理方法。 To achieve a high conductivity of nanometer silver printed circuit, the post - treatment process of nanometer silver conductive layer was researched. The samples coated with nanometer silver conductive layers were immersed in the solutions of silver nitrate and hydrazine hydrate with the same concentration successively, and the concentrations were lwt%, 2wt%, 5wt%, 10wt% and 20wt% respectively. Then the samples were measured using Atomic Force Microsco- py (AFM), Four- Probe Tester, Energy Dispersive Spectrometer( EDS ) and X- Ray Diffraction (XRD). It was found that when the coated samples were immersed in 2% silver nitrate solutions and 2% hydrazine hydrate solution at room temperature, the sheet resistance reached 0.82 Ω/口 and the conductivity was the best. Compared with heating method, the samples treated by immersing could obtain the lower sheet resistance. The results showed that the immersing treatment is an efficient alternative to improve the conductivity for the conductive layer containing protective agent decomposed at high temperature and large nanometer silver particles.
出处 《中国印刷与包装研究》 CAS 2013年第2期51-55,共5页 China Printing Materials Market
基金 北京市教委重点科研项目暨北京市自然科学基金(B类)项目--铜版纸用微乳化喷墨墨水研制及其印刷着色机理研究(No.KZ200910015001) 北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划资助项目--创新人才(2009)资助项目(PHR IHLB)--环保导电油墨及其应用技术研究(No.PXM2009-014223-077341) --人才强教创新人才--环保型薄膜印刷导电油墨及应用研究(No.PHR200909124) 印刷包装材料与技术北京市重点实验室开放课题--科研基地-重点实验室-印刷包装材料与技术实验室(No.KF201010) 北京市教委学科与研究生教育专项经费资助--可控晶型高导电印刷油墨及其后处理研究 国家自然科学基金重点项目--纳米材料印刷技术的基础研究(No.91123034)
关键词 纳米银 导电层 后处理 浸泡法 Nanometer silver Conductive layer Post - treatment Immersing
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