
The Bioclimate in the Steppe of Tlemcen (Oran, Western Algeria)

The Bioclimate in the Steppe of Tlemcen (Oran, Western Algeria)
摘要 The last decade was marked by the special interest in flora, biological characteristics, its adaptation to climate fluctuations and the influence of human activities. The steppe climate is generally characterized by its heterogeneity. The lower semi-arid: 300 mm to 400 mm per year; The arid higher: 200 mm to 300 mm per year; The arid lower: between 100 mm and 200 mm per year. Its wide analysis of a region is based on data provided by weather stations; a summary of the climate study area was analyzed with representative stations (Ain Sefra, El Aricha, Ras el-Ma, Saf-Saf). This steppe is in various states of degradation, consisting of Stipa tenacissima, Artemisia herba alba, Biscutella didyma, Spartium junceum and Lepidium glastifolium, etc..
机构地区 Department of Biology
出处 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第3期313-321,共9页 生命科学(英文版)
关键词 BIOCLIMATE STEPPE Algeria the semi-arid ombrothermiques diagrams. 生物气候 草原气候 阿尔及利亚 西部 生物学特性 半干旱 菌群失调 人类活动
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