FCC于2012年10月对电磁照射符合性认证要求进行了新的修订,对100 MHz^6 GHz的比吸收率(SAR)评估提出了更加严格的要求,涉及内容包括:SAR探头校准、组织模拟液参数、多天线同时发射设备的SAR评估、扩展后的局部扫描和后处理的体积扫描、评估值的稳定性和不确定度、系统验证和系统性能确认等。通过与之前相关标准的比较,对新版KDB 865664做了解析。
To meet the requirements of more and more complex device authentication,the PCC revised the RF exposure certification guidance from October of 2012.The latest version of KDB 865664 forcuses on 100 MHz to 6 GHz SAR measurement, which includes probe calibration requirements, tissue dielectric parameters simultaneous transmission, enlarged zoom scan and volume scan method, SAR measurement variability and uncertainty, system validation and verification etd.By comparing the latest version to old version,the importent conternts of the latest version are introduced.