
医生的尊严——香港大学深圳医院管理模式的启示 被引量:3

The Doctor's Dignity——Inspiration from the Management of Shenzhen Hospital of Hong Kong University
摘要 长期以来,医疗行业未得到社会的应有重视,而被许多人视为普通的服务行业。医疗行业的高技术和高风险未被体现,医生的劳动也未得到社会的应有尊重,医疗行业的劳动价值被严重低估。缓解当今日益紧张的医患矛盾,政府所起的作用至关重要。政府应当对我国现行的医疗管理和就医模式进行重新的审视,引导人们正确看待医生这一个特殊的职业,给予医生这个职业一个合理的定位。 For a long time, the medical industry don't get enough social attention it deserved, and is considered as the general service industry. The high technology and high risk of the medical industry has not been reflected, physician labor don't get enough social respect it deserved. The labor value of medical industry is underestimated seriously. Facing the increasingly strained doctor-patient eoniicts, the government plays a crucial role. The government should be active to re-examine the medical management and medical model in China, and guide people to cor rectly treat special occupation of doctor, give a reasonable orientation for the doctor occupation.
作者 屈燕铭
出处 《中国社会医学杂志》 2013年第3期157-159,共3页 Chinese Journal of Social Medicine
关键词 医疗行业 医生 尊严 价值 Medical industry Doctor Dignity Value
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