介绍了某电厂600 MW机组选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction,缩写SCR)烟气脱硝DeNOx工程的工艺流程,提出了一种SCR烟气脱硝的关键调节系统PID闭环控制算法和SCR-DeNOx-DCS(脱硝分散式控制系统)的组态、调试、PID参数整定的方法。应用结果表明,该控制系统运行稳定可靠,控制算法先进,具有一定的实用性和推广价值。
This paper presents the operation technics and process flow of the selective catalytic reduction flue gas DeNOx, proposing a crucial closed-loop PID control strategy of the automation adjustment system applied to SCR, the configuration, testing-run method and adjustment method of the PID parameter on the SCR - DeNOx - I)CS ( Distribuied Control System of SCR). The application shows that the control system can run stably and reliably, with its advanced control strategy. The technology and methods are practicable and worth promotion.
Dongfang Electric Review