
人力资源管理对标指标体系设计研究 被引量:1

Research on Human Resource Management Benchmarking Indicators System Design
摘要 对标管理只有立足于标杆企业整体管理的有效性,才能发现标杆企业领先的本质原因并加以借鉴和优化提升本企业。本文立足于企业人力资源管理的整体有效性,从人力资源管理的流程、人力资源管理效果以及从业人员的能力出发,建立人力资源管理对标指标体系。进一步应用专家评价法,对理论推演得来的指标体系进行筛选,最后,通过AHP建立人力资源管理对标指标体系权重。 The essence of success of model enterprises can be found only when benchmarking management is based on the effectiveness of the overall management of enterprises. Based on the overall effectiveness of HRM, this article designs a HRM benchmarking indicators system from the angles of HRM process, HRM effect and HR staff capabilities. From the HRM experts' evaluation, this HRM benchmarking indicators system is revised and its low value indicators are screened out. Finally, AHP is used to decide the weights of HRM benchmarking indicators system.
出处 《北方工业大学学报》 2013年第2期67-71,共5页 Journal of North China University of Technology
关键词 人力资源管理 对标管理 指标体系 HRM benehmarking management indicators system
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