托尼·莫里森是美国当代第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的非裔女作家,其获奖作品《所罗门之歌》蕴涵丰富,思想深刻。本研究旨在从黑人传统文化和人物分析着手,运用现代主义、存在主义、异化理论和圣经学说解构与阐释小说主题及意义: "飞翔"——黑人文化回归和传承。进而阐述黑人文化的传承和发展对美国非裔少数族群生存的重要性和建构独立、多元、层次丰富的黑人文化的必要性,同时指出回归和超越的真正含义及关键所在。
Toni Morrison is the first African-American female writer who wins the Noble Prize for literature. The winning novel Song of Solomon is rich in content and profound thought. From black traditional culture and character analysis, this article aims to utilize the theories of modern socialism and existentialism, dissimilating theory and the doctrine of biblical deconstruction to explain the significance and theme of the novel: "Flying" -the return and inheritance of black culture. Furthermore, it elaborates the importance of black cultural heritage and development to African-American minority's survival and to the construction of an independent, multiple, and rich black culture. Meantime, the thesis points out the true meaning and key point of the return and transcendence in the novel.
Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology:Social Sciences Edition