
集群背景下企业合作营销国外研究评介 被引量:3

A Review of Overseas Research on Inter-firm Co-marketing within Clusters
摘要 在集群中越来越多的企业通过合作营销实现规模和范围经济,以增强企业竞争力并开拓新市场。由于目前对合作营销的研究尚处于初级阶段,文章从集群企业合作营销的产生和概念、影响因素、模式和形式、相关理论模型等方面对国外研究进行系统的梳理和述评,并提出未来的研究方向,期望有助于进一步的深入研究。 More and retire cluster finns are establishing close relationship through co-marketing with other companies within clusters in order to realize scale and scope economies, to be competitive in the market and to explore new markets. Because current research on co-marketing is in initial stage, this paper gives out a review and discussion on the overseas research of cu-marketing in cluster context iu the aspects of co-marketing development and its concept, influencing factors, modes and patterns, theoretical models, and then proposes further research directions for promoting deeper research in near future.
机构地区 安徽大学商学院
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2013年第7期148-154,共7页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家社科基金项目(10BGL025)
关键词 集群企业 合作营销 合作行为 cluster firms co-marketing cooperative behavior
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