
二氧化钛在涂料中的分散技术进展 被引量:4

Dispersing Technology Development of Titanium Dioxide in Coatings
摘要 二氧化钛具有优异的光散射能力,其折射率也几乎是颜料中最出色的。但由于二氧化钛的表面物理化学性质以及涂料体系的复杂性使二氧化钛在涂料中并非均匀地分布,从而导致二氧化钛的遮盖效率降低。从二氧化钛的表面改性以及二氧化钛的阻隔分散两个方面综述了二氧化钛在涂料中的分散技术进展。 Titanium dioxide has outstanding properties in light scattering and refractive. However, due to the complexity of coatings system and its physicochemical performance, the distribution of titanium dioxide is not even, which results in the lower hiding power efficiency. This article introduces the dispersing technology progress from surface modification and spacing/ dispersion of titanium dioxide.
出处 《中国涂料》 CAS 2013年第5期10-13,17,共5页 China Coatings
关键词 二氧化钛 涂料 表面改性 阻隔分散 titanium dioxide, coatings, surface modification, spacing/dispersion
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