Objective To investigate the effect of joint use of repellent and attractant for mosquito control in the field and to evaluate the specific attraction of octanoic acid, indole, and CO2 mosquito trap for mosquitoes. Methods Six sites in Taiping village, Yingjiang county, Yunnan province, China were selected for field test. In the first to fourth sites, rosemary essential oil as a repellent was hung at the center, and a CO2 mosquito trap combined with octanoic acid and indole was placed 1, 5, 10, 15 or 20 m from the rosemary essential oil. In the fifth site, only a CO2 mosquito trap was placed at the center. The mosquitoes captured by the CO2 mosquito trap were counted and classified every day, and the obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results Joint use of repellent and attractant at an appropriate spacing captured significantly more mosquitoes than use of attractant alone (ANOVA, P 0.05). A total of 594 mosquitoes were captured in 3 tests at the third site (10 m between the rosemary essential oil and CO2 mosquito trap), most among the 5 sites (P=0.036). The number of mosquitoes captured by the CO2 mosquito trap combined with octanoic acid and indole was 30% more than that of mosquitoes captured by the CO2 mosquito trap alone in each of 3 tests. Aedes mosquitoes accounted for about 80% of all captured mosquitoes, and Ae. alboscutellatus, Ae. albopictus, Ae. craggi, and Ae. desmotes were the dominant species in this region. Conclusion Joint use of repellent and attractant at an appropriate spacing can capture more mosquitoes than CO2 mosquito trap alone and can be used in mosquito control. CO2 mosquito trap combined octanoic acid and indole shows some specificity for Aedes and can be used in the surveillance of Aedes vector mosquitoes.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
Joint use of repellent and attractant
Octanoic acid
Mosquito control