
驱避-引诱联合使用对蚊虫控制效果的现场测试 被引量:7

Field test of joint use of repellent and attractant for mosquito control
摘要 目的观察驱避-引诱联合使用在野外蚊虫防治中的效果,评价吲哚和辛酸与二氧化碳(CO2)诱蚊灯结合,对蚊虫的特异性引诱作用。方法在云南省盈江县太平乡选择6个试验现场,其中5个现场中心悬挂驱避物质迷迭香精油,并分别在距离迷迭香精油1、5、10、15和20m处放置CO2诱蚊灯+辛酸+吲哚,作为甲、乙、丙、丁、戊5种处理;只在现场中心位置处放置CO2诱蚊灯,不放置驱避剂迷迭香精油和引诱剂辛酸+吲哚的现场作为对照。每天CO2诱蚊灯诱集的蚊虫计数和分类,并对结果进行统计分析。结果在适当距离内,驱避-引诱联合使用引诱的蚊虫数量明显比单独使用引诱剂捕获的蚊虫数量多,经方差分析差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);丙处理(即引诱装置+精油,两者相距10m)3次试验共引诱蚊虫594只,比其他4个现场引诱的蚊虫多(P=0.036)。辛酸+吲哚对蚊虫的特异性引诱结果显示,辛酸+吲哚混用并配合CO2诱蚊灯,引诱的蚊虫数量比单独使用CO2诱蚊灯多,3次试验均比对照引诱的蚊虫数量多30%以上。此外,对伊蚊显示出特异性引诱作用,捕获的伊蚊平均数量占蚊虫总数的80%左右,其中白盏伊蚊、白纹伊蚊、尖斑伊蚊和环胫伊蚊是当地主要种群。结论在适当范围内,驱避-引诱联合使用提高蚊虫引诱效率,可以在蚊虫控制中使用,CO2诱蚊灯+辛酸+吲哚对伊蚊有一定专化性,可在媒介蚊虫的监测中使用。 Objective To investigate the effect of joint use of repellent and attractant for mosquito control in the field and to evaluate the specific attraction of octanoic acid, indole, and CO2 mosquito trap for mosquitoes. Methods Six sites in Taiping village, Yingjiang county, Yunnan province, China were selected for field test. In the first to fourth sites, rosemary essential oil as a repellent was hung at the center, and a CO2 mosquito trap combined with octanoic acid and indole was placed 1, 5, 10, 15 or 20 m from the rosemary essential oil. In the fifth site, only a CO2 mosquito trap was placed at the center. The mosquitoes captured by the CO2 mosquito trap were counted and classified every day, and the obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results Joint use of repellent and attractant at an appropriate spacing captured significantly more mosquitoes than use of attractant alone (ANOVA, P 0.05). A total of 594 mosquitoes were captured in 3 tests at the third site (10 m between the rosemary essential oil and CO2 mosquito trap), most among the 5 sites (P=0.036). The number of mosquitoes captured by the CO2 mosquito trap combined with octanoic acid and indole was 30% more than that of mosquitoes captured by the CO2 mosquito trap alone in each of 3 tests. Aedes mosquitoes accounted for about 80% of all captured mosquitoes, and Ae. alboscutellatus, Ae. albopictus, Ae. craggi, and Ae. desmotes were the dominant species in this region. Conclusion Joint use of repellent and attractant at an appropriate spacing can capture more mosquitoes than CO2 mosquito trap alone and can be used in mosquito control. CO2 mosquito trap combined octanoic acid and indole shows some specificity for Aedes and can be used in the surveillance of Aedes vector mosquitoes.
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第3期193-195,共3页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
基金 中国博士后科研基金特别资助(201104747)~~
关键词 驱避-引诱 辛酸 吲哚 蚊虫控制 Joint use of repellent and attractant Octanoic acid Indole Mosquito control
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