目的了解医学专科院校新生口腔健康知识及口腔保健行为,分析大学生口腔健康认知与行为差异,为有针对性地采取何种方式进行口腔健康教育提供基准。方法随机抽取安徽医学高等专科学校1 100名新生作为研究对象,自行设计问卷,采用问卷调查的方法对学生口腔卫生知识与行为进行调查与分析。结果大学生口腔健康行为总体较好,但健康知识与健康行为存在不均衡现象,对口腔保健知识存在盲区及误区。结论不同特质大学生口腔健康认知和行为存在差异,需有针对性地制定口腔健康教育计划,加强对大学生的口腔健康教育,规范口腔健康行为,促进大学生口腔健康状况的改善。
Objective To know and investigate oral health knowledge and behaviors among freshmen of Anhui Medical college, and to provide basis for how to make oral health education among college students. Methods A survey with a self-designed questionnaire about o- ral health knowledge and behavior was conducted among 1 100 freshmen in Anhui Medical College. Results College students" oral health be- havior was good as a whole. However, the health knowledge and health behavior were imbalanced, and there was a blind area of oral health knowledge and misunderstanding. Conclusion There are differences in oral health knowledge and behavior among students of different back- grounds. Oral health education programs need to be established for the undergraduates of different backgrounds to promote the students" educa- tion about oral health and improve their oral health condition.
Anhui Medical Journal