在调查统计中涉及到伦理与隐私问题 ,每个人和每个单位都有权利保守秘密 ,但调查统计部门又必须取得有关资料 ,这样势必发生道德或伦理的冲突。因此 ,在实际操作中应注意处理好这种关系。首先 ,要遵守自愿参加的原则 ;其次 ,遵守匿名和保密原则 ;最后尽量运用个别调查的原则。对于伦理问题的处理要借鉴美国加利福尼亚大学提出的九条措施 ,这样才能使调查统计工作得以顺利完成。
In the survey statistics,questions of ethics and privacy are involved.Everybody and every unit has the right to keep secret,but since the survey statistic sector must obtain the relavent information,it is will undoubtedly incur moral and ethic conflict.So in the practical operation we must correctly handle this relationship.First,observe the voluntary participation principle.Secondly,observe anomymous and confidential principle.Lastly use individual survey principle as much as possible
Liaoning Financial College Journal