
文化背景对组织支持和组织公平影响的调节作用 被引量:2

An Empirical Study on the Effect of Organizational Support and Organizational Justice:Moderating Role of Cultural Background
摘要 本文着眼于西方管理理论在中国本土管理实践应用的社会背景,以组织支持和组织公平对情感承诺和员工创新行为影响为对象,探索企业的中西方文化背景对上述关系的调节作用。通过对372位员工的问卷调查,运用结构方程模型和回归分析方法,分别检验主效应和调节效应。研究发现:相比于西方文化背景,中国文化背景中员工在工作场所中对组织支持更为敏感;在西方文化背景中,组织公平对个体与组织之间情感联系的建立更可能属于保健因素。同时,组织公平对员工以内在动机为主导,以实现自身价值为动力的创新行为发挥显著积极的推动作用;在中西文化背景中,感知到的组织支持对员工与组织间情感联系建立的影响都强于感知到的组织公平。 Under the development background of global integration, the transition of Chinese economic system and the rapid changes of management practices make China turn into a big platfoml with kinds of management modes converging and evolving. Facing the existing western management theories, researchers and management practitioners generally consider that we should not only understand the universal connotation of these theories, but also pay atten- tion to the cultural background underlying assumptions under which these theories play roles, and especially focus on how these theories explain people's behavior in Chinese culture. Organizational support and organizational justice are both proposed and improved based on western social exchange theory. Howerver, Chinese cultural context provides the experiment soil for their further development, innovation and universality. On the other hand, the individuals growing up in Chinese culture have indigenous perceptions and understandings of organizational support and justice. In organizational context, the influence of organizational support and justice on work attitudes and behaviors have been concerned and discussed by a number of studies. Results showing that perceived organizational support and justice related positively with organizational commitment,job satisfaction,organizational identification ,organiza- tional citizenship behavior, voice behavior, and work performance, related negatively with turnover intention. A few researchs also analyzed the moderate or mediate effect of organizational culture on the relation between organization- al support and justice and their outcomes. However, few studies explore the underlying cultural assumption under which organizational support and justice are effective. We consider that organization exists as an abstract entity and individuals have undependent status exceeding social relationship are western cultural assumptions of organizational support and justice. But the cognitive rules by which individuals define themselves and organization are role relation and orderly-diversity pattern in Chinese culture. When individuals understand support and justice, the mind-set de- termined by these two different cultural bases should have discrepancy. Given the above exposition ,we believe that the infuence of organizational support and justice on work attitudes and behaviors is different in Chinese and western organizations. Analysis and discussion about this question not only contribute to make the relation between western management theories and Chinese traditional culture clear, but also are helpful to understand the individual's preferent perception process of organizational support and justice, and can especially provide related suggestions for transnational corporations' human resource management in multicultural background. We conduct the present study focusing on the influence of organizational support and organizational justice on affective commitment and employee innovative behavior which moderated by cultural background. First, we view studies on the relation between organizational support, justice, affective commitment, and innovative behaviors. Second, we mainly discuss the moderate effect of cultural background. We propose that comparing to western cultural background, individuals perceived a stronger relationship between organizational support and affec- tive commitment and innovative behaviors in Chinese cultural background. On the other side,we propose that com- paring to Chinese cultural background, individuals perceived a stronger relationship between organizational justice and affective commitment and innovative behaviors in western cultural background. Third, through the survey of 372 employees, we use structural equation modeling and regression analysis method, and find that employees in Chinese cultural background respond organizational support more sensitively than employees in western cultural back- ground. Organizational justice belongs to hygiene factor when organization wants to construct affective contact with employees and influencs employee innovative behavior positively in western cultural background. The relationship between affective commitment and perceived organizational support is stronger than perceived organizational justice in both Chinese cultural background and western cultural background.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期85-93,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于文化的企业核心价值观-HRM-员工反应之间的匹配对企业产出贡献的理论研究与实证分析"(70672052) 国家社科基金项目"现代企业复合型人才与组织环境匹配验证的模型及实证研究"(10BGL002)
关键词 组织支持 组织公平 情感承诺 员工创新行为 文化背景 organizational support organizational justice affective commitment employee innovative behavior cultural background
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