
新型共刺激分子B7-H6的研究进展 被引量:2

The last advance of the study on the new co-inhibitory molecule B7-H6
摘要 B7-H6是近年来发现的共刺激分子B7家族新成员,主要表达于肿瘤组织,B7-H6是B7家族第一个特异表达在肿瘤组织中的成员,能够促进NK细胞的活化,负向调节肿瘤逃逸和固有免疫。目前对于B7-H6与其配体NKp30的相互作用的确切机制尚未完全明确,故对近年来关于B7-H6的分子结构、表达与分布情况,配体分子NKp30与肿瘤的关系研究很有意义。 B7-H6 is a new member of immunologlobulin family which has been found recently. B7-H6 expression was detected with a relative abundance in tumor cells of distinct origin, but not in normal tissues. BT-H6 is the first instance of a tumor-specific B7 family member that can directly trigger NK cell activation, this down-regulation is a mechanism whereby a tumor would escape innate immunity. The ligand of B7-H6, as well as the mechanism of the B7-H6 signal pathway, has not been clear yet. Therefore, the lastest finding of structure, the ligand NKp30 and the role of BT-H6/NKp30 in the process of tumor were described in this re-
出处 《国际免疫学杂志》 CAS 2013年第4期287-289,共3页 International Journal of Immunology
关键词 B7-H6 NKp30 肿瘤 B7-H6 NKp30 Tumor
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