

Study on “a Major Proportion” in the Definition of Domestic Industry in Anti-dumping Rules
摘要 WTO《反倾销协定》没有解释国内产业定义中"主要部分"一词的含义。"主要部分"生产者的产量占同类产品国内总产量的比例是多少?"主要部分"包含哪些生产者?欧盟紧固件案为这两个问题的解答提供了指引。"主要部分"没有具体的比例要求,但要确保为损害确定提供足够的、真实的生产者信息。调查机构不能运用结果导向型的方式来选择"主要部分"所包含的生产者,否则将违反损害确定中"客观审查"的义务。 There is no explanation of the meaning of "a major proportion" in the definition of domestic industry by WT0 Anti- dumping Agreement. How much percentage is the collective production of the producers of "a major proportion" compared to the total domestic production of the like product? Which producers are contained in "a major proportion"? DS397 offers some directions to resolve the problems. "A major proportion" does not set a minimum standard; however, it requires the determination of injury to cover sufficient and undistorted information of producers. The investigating authority may not select producers in a result- oriented manner in determining the producers contained in "a major proportion", otherwise it will violate the obligation of"objective examination" in injury determination.
作者 唐琼琼
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《世界贸易组织动态与研究(上海对外贸易学院学报)》 北大核心 2012年第6期29-35,共7页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
关键词 反倾销 国内产业 主要部分 紧固件案 anti-dumping domestic industry a major proportion DS397
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