

Factor analysis of effect on consumer intention to purchase for pork,rice and tomato in Yunan province
摘要 选取影响消费者购买猪肉、大米和西红柿的四个因素(包装、销售地点、产品认证和品牌),每个因素设2或3的水平,采用联合分析法进行评价。结果显示:产品的包装、销售地点、产品认证、品牌四个因素中对消费者购买大米、猪肉和西红柿起主要作用的是销售地点,尤其是超市的作用十分明显,流动商贩在云南省仍然有一定的市场需求。 The effect of package, sales location, certification and brand attributes of pork, rice and tomato on consumer intention to purchase was evaluated by using conjoint analysis. Four attributes with two or three levels were chosen and evaluated.The results showed that the sale location was main factor that affect consumer intention to purchase pork, rice and tomato. Moreover, supermarket was very important.There was commercial demand for the mobile vendor in Yunnan province.In order to protect producer's benefit,the bands development should be enhanced.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第13期272-275,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 云南食品消费市场调查(FAO项目:TCP/RAS/3209)
关键词 联合分析法 购买意向 猪肉 大米 西红柿 conjoint analysis purchase intention pork rice tomato
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