Witsar rats were forced to inhale air containing 0 , 100, and 200ppm of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for 3 hours, and the brocho-alveolar lavagefluid (BALF) of the rats was collected and analyzed in different period afterinhalation to observe the pulmonary injury H2S produced. It was found thatH2S inhalation resulted in an increase of the content of lactate dehydrogenase,alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, total number of cells, polymorphonu-clear leucocytes, sialic acid, protein, angiotensin converting enzyme, and pho-spholipid in BALF. Peak elevation of most parameters occurred in the 1st or6th hour after inhalation, but a few of them in the 12th hour. The extent ofelevation and the rapidity of recovery of the parameters were dependent on theamount of H2S inhaled.It is concluded that H2S inhalation can exert severe cytotoxic and edema-togenic effects on the pulmonary parenchyma,Changes of phospholipid in BALF suggests the damage on alveolar surfactants. Changes of angiotensin converting enzyme level were correlated with those of protein and saliac acid in BALF of the intoxicated rats (r = 0.86, P<0.01 and r = 0.87, P<0.01 respectively) , which indicates that pulmonary edema resulting from increased vascular permeability is closely related to the injury of pulmonary vascular epithelium. Moreover, the injury of alveolar surfactants also plays a part in the development pulmonary edema. These findings are in agreement with the pathological findings of the intoxicated rats.
Journal of Third Military Medical University
hydrogen sulfide
pulmonary injury
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
alveolar surfactant