[目的]比较花生不同部位(仁、茎、叶、壳)及不同产地花生壳中木犀草素的含量。[方法]分别取江苏、浙江产地的花生仁、茎、叶及12个省份15个产地的花生壳,用RP-HPLC法检测木犀草素,Kromasil 100-5 C1(8250mm×4.6mm,5μm)色谱柱,甲醇-2%乙酸溶液(50:50)作流动相,控制流速1.0mL·min-1,检测波长350 nm,柱温25℃。[结果]木犀草素含量在0.105 1~0.350 4μg呈良好的线性关系。江苏、浙江产地的花生仁、茎、叶不含或含有少量的木犀草素,花生壳中含有木犀草素。15个不同产地的花生壳木犀草素含量在0.02%~0.41%之间,福建龙岩(0.41%)、浙江杭州(0.40%)产地含量较高。水煮花生壳木犀草素流失约一半。[结论]江苏、浙江产地的花生仁、茎、叶可能不含或含少量木犀草素,不同产地的花生壳木犀草素含量差异较大,可能与产地、品种有关。
[Objective]Compare luteolin content in different parts of peanut(kernel,stem,leaf,shell) and in different producing areas of peanut shell.[Methods]Peanut kernel,stem,leaf samples were collected from Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces,peanut shell was collected from 12 provinces of 15 regions.RP-HPLC method was used to detect luteolin,the conditions were as follows:using Kromasil 100-5C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm) column,the mobile phase consisted by methanol and 2% acetic acid(50:50) with the flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1,detected at 350 nm and under 25℃.[Results] Luteolin content demonstrated good linear relationship in the range of 0.105 1-0.350 4 μg.Peanut kernel,stems,leaves of Jiangsu and Zhejiang may not contain or contain little luteolin content.Luteolin content of 15 different regions was between 0.02%-0.41% which was higher in Fujian Longyan(0.41%) and Zhejiang Hangzhou(0.40%).Boiled peanut shell lost about half of luteolin content.[Conclusion]Peanut,stem and leaf of Jiangsu and Zhejiang might not contain or contain little luteolin.The difference of luteolin content in different areas was so big,which might be associated with origin and variety.
Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University