

Carbon Financial Development and Low Carbon Economy Dominance ——The Analysis in the View of the Generalized Virtual Economy
摘要 在低碳经济背景下,碳金融是我国践行低碳经济模式的最大充分条件,是我国实现实体经济与虚拟经济的结合,把握新一轮经济竞争的关键因素之一。本文认为碳金融具有广义虚拟经济所特有的"虚拟性、经济性、非对称性、高风险性"等特征,碳金融的发展在我国既是机遇,同时也有挑战。我国碳金融的崛起,将对全球经济与金融格局产生深远的影响。在碳金融的发展过程中,适时推进人民币国际化是获取低碳经济主导权的重要战略。 Carbon finance is the maximum sufficient condition to carry out the low carbon economy mode. It is also the key factor to hold the new round of economic competition and realize the combination of entity and virtue economy under the background of low carbon economy. This paper highlights the "virtuality, structure difference, high risk" features of carbon finance which is associated with Virtual Economy. The development of carbon finance is not only opportunity but, also challenge for our country. The development of carbon finance in china will have a far-reaching influence on global economy and financial structure. In the process of carbon financial development, boost the RMB internationalization. Moreover, it is an important strategy to reach the dominance of low carbon economy in the future.
作者 王仁祥 童藤
出处 《广义虚拟经济研究》 2013年第2期20-27,共8页 Research on the Generalized Virtual Economy
基金 广义虚拟经济研究专项资助项目[项目编号:GX2011-1006(Y)]
关键词 广义虚拟经济 碳金融 货币主导权 人民币国际化 generalized virtual economy, carbon finance, currency hegemony, RMB internationalization
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