

Oscillation of Third Order Nonlinear Neutral Differential Equations
摘要 研究三阶非线性中立型微分方程0[a(t)(b(t)(x(t)p(t)x((t))))]q(t)f(x((t)))0,t≥t0,的振动性,其中是两个正奇数的商.利用泰勒中值定理和函数的单调性,进一步完善和补充了已有的结果 . In this paper, the oscillation of third order nonlinear neutral differential equation 0[a(t)(b(t)(x(t)p(t)x((t))))]q(t)f(x((t)))0,t≥t0, t 〉- to, is considered, where is a quotient of odd positive integers and, some new oscillation criteria are obtained, which improve and generalize some known results in.
作者 胡迎春
出处 《济宁学院学报》 2013年第3期69-72,76,共5页 Journal of Jining University
关键词 非线性微分方程 中立型 振动性 nonlinear differential equations neutral delay oscillation
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