大学生作为特殊的社会群体,他们的价值观,在一定的程度上决定了国家民族今后的发展的道路。利用非线性系统科学的"悠悠球模型(Yoyo Model)",研究了当代大学生价值观影响因素,通过数理统计、概率论的方法,确定相关参数,获得了当代大学生价值观现状及其影响因素。
This paper employs the yoyo model of systems science to construct an abstract star role model that is suitable for the study of the values of the college students in China. By using methods of probability and statistics, we determine the relevant parameters of the model so that the current state of the value - related opinions of college students and the key factors that influence the states are better understood. By employing the yoyo model, we analyze from the high plane of systems science the relationship between these influencing factors and provide methods to funnel the appropriate changes in the values of college students. By comparing with the discoveries of the questionnaire, we confirm the feasibility of these proposed methods.
Journal of Higher Education Research