
减排外交语境下的中美欧气候合作前景论析 被引量:3

Discussion and Analysis of the Climate Cooperation Prospect among China, the United States and the Europe Union in the Context of Emission Reduction Diplomacy
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,中美欧气候关系时断时续,在责任分担议题上分歧不断,争论的焦点集中在减排承诺和碳排放权问题上。中国一方面应利用政策延续性的优势,继续加强与美欧已有的气候与能源合作,另一方面应尽快推进南非德班气候大会谈判后的相应政策调整,推行更加积极的国际化气候战略,积极参与并构建全球气候治理的长远规划,实现最大限度的节能减排。同时,将国家发展战略和气候战略紧密结合起来,确立更为明确的可持续发展方向。 Since the 1990s, there has been substantial divergence on the issue of burden sharing among China, the United States and the European Union, with the focus on carbon emission reduction commit- ments and carbon emission rights. On one hand, China should make use of the advantages of policy conti- nuity to continue strengthening the existing climate and energy cooperation with the United States and the EU ; On the other hand, China should promote following Durban climate conference, pursue a as soon as possible a more corresponding policy adjustments more active international climate strategy, and actively par- ticipate in and build a long - term planning of global climate governance, with the integration of national development strategies and climate strategy so as to build the orientation of sustainable development.
作者 刘慧 谭人众
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2013年第6期79-88,共10页 Pacific Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"美欧气候政策的发展动向 对外影响及我国对策研究"(11CGJ024)的研究成果
关键词 中国 美国 欧盟 气候关系 合作前景 China the United States the European Union climate relationship cooperation
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