本文以重庆长江大桥复线桥为背景,拟定了组合—混凝土混合连续梁桥结构形式.新拟定的混合结构形式中,钢混结合段采用填充混凝土后承压板连接方式,结合段内力的传递主要由承压板、预应力钢筋和PBL剪力板来完成.运用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建立组合—混凝土结合段三维有限元模型.根据运营过程中各种最不利荷载工况,计算分析了结合段种工况下的应力状态,检验拟定结构的安全性和合理性.结果表明:结构中钢梁绝大部分应力值都在-200 MPa^200 MPa之间,混凝土大部分应力值都在-20 MPa^3 MPa之间.组合梁钢梁在折角和过渡处存在少部分应力集中现象,混凝土极少部分面积区域内力超过规范允许值,但总体满足规范设计要求,可以通过改善预应力钢筋和承压板、混凝土的连接,在钢梁折角处适当增设加劲肋和使用纤维混凝土作为加强措施.
According to the Chong Qing Chang Jiang Bridge, a steel - concrete hybrid bridge structure form is defined. This new hybrid form uses after - setting concrete connection, and the force transmiss mainly rely on the bear- ing plate, the prestressed stell bar and the PBL shear plate. The finite element space model of steel - concrete beam linked part is built and calculated by ANSYS according to four load cases. From the comparion between the result of the old and new model, we found that: stress of the stell is - 200 MPa - 200 MPa. stress of the concrete is - 20 MPa ~ 3 MPa. Jonit of stell and concrete interface there is few stress concentration. But overall meet the specification re- quirements. We Can by improving the prestressed reinforcing steel bar and bearing plate, concrete connections, ap- propriately increased thickness of steel plate and the use of fiber reinforced concrete for strengthening measures.
Journal of Jilin Architectural and Civil Engineering