[目的]探讨以楚雄州为代表的滇中地区气候条件下,用BMY牛改良滇中黄牛的效果及BMY牛的推广应用前景。[方法]以滇中黄牛为母本,BMY牛为父本,在楚雄州开展杂交改良效果的调查。[结果]①选择滇中黄牛母牛,用BMY牛冻精累计输精9 055头,受胎7 254头,受胎率80.11%,产犊6 781头,产犊率93.48%;②BMY×本杂的初生、6月龄、12月龄、18月龄、24月龄和30月龄体重与滇中黄牛比较,公牛分别提高29.70%、33.82%、36.73%、35.97%、33.12%和47.21%,母牛分别提高23.34%、34.45%、32.32%、11.03%、30.07%和36.49%,但总体生长速度不及BMY牛、西×本杂;初生到24月龄的平均日增重(ADG)比较,BMY×本杂公牛(316.4g)高于滇中黄牛和短×本杂,但低于BMY牛和西×本杂,母牛高于滇中黄牛,但低于BMY牛和其它组合;③BMY×本杂不同年龄段的各体尺指标均显著高于滇中黄牛,特别是体长、体高、胸宽、胸深、胸围、腹围和臀围等的发育更好;18月龄开始,部分体尺指标接近或超过短×本杂。④BMY×本杂24月龄公、母牛的BPI分别比滇中黄牛高出0.43和0.36,分别提高23.8%和20.2%,但低于BMY牛和西×本杂;⑤13~15月龄公牛经93d育肥,BMY×本杂的ADG达1 133.3g,高于短×本杂,但低于西×本杂、安×本杂和BMY牛,屠宰率61.04%,达到BMY牛和其它杂交组合的水平,但净肉率略低于其它组合。[结论]用BMY牛改良滇中黄牛的效果非常明显,杂交一代具有耐粗饲、耐热、抗蜱、适应性广、易饲养的特点。本研究结果为BMY牛在我国南方黄牛改良中的推广应用提供了重要的参考依据。
[Objective]The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of hybridization on BMY cat- tle X Dianzhong Yellow cattle and the its extension under the climate of Central Yunnan, Chuxiong prefec- ture. [MethodlBMY cattle ( ♂ ) × Dianzhong Yellow cattle ( ♀ ) were used to observe the effects on cross- breeding. [Result]O9 055 Dianzhong Yellow cows were inseminated by the frozen semen of BMY cattle, of which the pregnant and calving cows were 7 254 and 6 781 individuals, and the conception rate and cal- ving rate were 80.11% and 93.48 %, respectively. (2)The hybrid bulls" body weights at new born, 6-month, 12-month,18-month,24-month and 30-month increased by 29.70%, 33.82%,36.73%,35.97%,33.12% and 47. 21% compared to those of Dianzhong Yellow bulls, respectively. And, the hybrid cows" body weights at birth, 6-month, 12-month, 18-month, 24-month and 30-month increased by 23. 34~, 34.45%, 32.32%, 11.03%, 30.07% and 36.49% compared to those of Dianzhong Yellow cows,respectively. But the crossbreeds grew slower than those of BMY cattle and (Simmental X Dianzhong Yellow). The ADGs (average daily gains) from birth to 24-month bulls in (BMY cattleX Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids were high- er (316.4 g) than those of Dianzhong Yellow cattle and (Simmental X Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids, and were lower than those of BMY cattle and (Simmental X Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids. The ADGs hybrid cows were higher than those of Dianzhong Yellow cows, and lower than those of BMY cattle and other crossbreeding combinations. (3)All the body indexes of (BMY cattleX Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids were sig- nificantly higher than those of Dianzhong Yellow cattle,of which the bigger measurements involving body length,body height, chest width, chest depth, chest circumference, abdominal circumference and hipline showed better development performances in the hybrids. Meanwhile, one parts of body measurements were close to or exceeded those of (Simmental × Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids since 18-month age. (4)BPIs (beef purpose index) of (BMY cattleXDianzhong Yellow) hybrids were higher than those of Dianzhong Yellow cattle,0.43 and 0.36 ,increased by 23.8% and 20.2%, res cattle and (Simmental X Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids. (5) 13 the ADG of (BMY cattle× Dianzhong Yellow) bull was pectively, 15 month which were lower than those of BMY s bulls were fattened for 93-day,then 1 133. 3 g,higher than that of (SimmentalXDi anzhong Yellow) hybrids, and lower than those of BMY cattle, (Simmental X Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids and (Angus X Dianzhong Yellow) hybrids. The dressing percentage of (BMY cattle × Dianzhong Yellow) hybrid bulls was 61.04% ,reaching the levels of BMY cattle and other crossbreeding combinations, but the net meat percentage was inferior to those of the other crossbreeding combinations. [Conclusion] Better effects of hybridization was considered a reference for BMY cattle extension in South China through the crossbreeding combination of (BMY cattle ×Dianzhong Yellow cattle),of which F1 generation were show ing the characterizations of tolerance to crude fodders, resistance to heat and tick, good adaptability and eas ily care.
China Cattle Science
BMY cattle
Dianzhong yellow cattle
hybrid and improvement