作者报告1988-1989年问应用自制“护肾液”中西医结合治疗流行性出血热(EHF)重度肾衰患者23例,以基础治疗组20例为对照,疗效如下:①提高了治愈率(中西医结合治疗组为82.6%,基础治疗组为35.0%),降低了病死率(两组分别为8.7%与40.0%);②显著缩短少尿期(两组分别为之1与6.3 d),尿蛋白转阴快(分别为15.1与28.2d);③明显减轻消化道大出血等并发症(两组分别为9.5%与68.8%);④通利二便,降低氮质血症,明显改善肾功能(P<0.05或0.01)。同时,从祖国医学温热病角度探讨其病证及“护肾液”的作用机理。
This article is about the treatment of 23 cases (with controlled group 20 cases) of severe renal failure in patients with epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) treated by integrated traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, i. e. the 'renal protective decoction' and modern medical treatment during the period of 1988 -1989. The following effects were observed: (1) The cure rate in the studied group (816%) was higher than that in the control group (35.0%), while the mortality rate in the studied group (8.7%) was lower significantly than that in the control group (40.0%); (2) Both the periods of diguria and albuminuria in the studied group (2.1 and 15.1 days, respectively) were shorter than those in the control group (6.3 and 28.2 days, respectively); (3) The occurence rates of massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage in the studied group and control group were 9.5% and 68.8%, respectively; (4) Urine and stool were excreted more freely. The degree of azotemia was getting milder, and the renal function was much improved The mode of action of the 'renal protective decoction' is based on the point of views of the traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of infectious diseases.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
hemorrhagic fever, epidemic
renal failure, acute
medicine, Chinese traditional