目的:探讨药物与药疹发生的关系。方法:对本院2006年1月—2013年3月的185例药疹患者临床资料回顾性分析。结果:185例患者潜伏期短于7 d者121例,8~14 d者56例,超过14 d者8例。致敏药物明确的156例患者中:抗生素致敏者81例,其中青霉素类28例,头孢菌素类34例;解热镇痛药致敏者27例;生物制剂致敏者13例;其他药物致敏者35例。因服自拟中药方致敏药物不明者29例。185例药疹患者中,多形红斑型药疹56例,多为青霉素类、头孢类和解热镇痛药所致;荨麻疹型药疹43例,多为青霉素、头孢类和生物制剂所致;湿疹型药疹19例,中药多致。结论:药疹潜伏期多在14 d之内;青霉素类药和解热镇痛药是引起药疹最常见的药物;多形红斑型及荨麻疹型药疹常见,生物制剂、头孢类抗生素及中药导致的药疹增多。
Objective:To explore the relationship between the drugs and drug eruption. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 185eases of drug eruption in our department from Jan 2006 to Mar 2013. Results:Of a total of 185 cases, the incubation period of 121 cases was less than 7 days, and 56 cases 8 to 14 days,8 cases over 14 days. For 156 cases with definite allergenic drugs, 81 cases were for antibiotics (penicillin for 28 cases and cephalosporin for 34 cases } , 27 cases for antipyretic analgesics, 13 cases for biological agents, others 35 cases. 29 cases of sensitization from traditional Chinese herbal medicine. In the 185 cases with drug e- ruption caused by definitely or possibly sensitizing drugs, multiform erythema accounted for 56 cases, mostly caused by penicillin, cephalosporin and antipyretie analgesics; Urticaria accounted for 43 cases, mostly caused by penicillin, cephalosporin and biologi- cal preparations; Eczematous drug eruption accounted for 19 cases, mostly caused by traditional Chinese medicines . Conclusion: The incubation period of drug eruption mostly is within 14 days ; penicillin and antipyretic analgesic are the most common allergenic drugs; the most common erythema and Urticaria type of drug eruption;Traditional Chinese medicine and Biological agents lead to increase in the number of drug eruption.
Tianjin Pharmacy
drug eruption, sensitizing drugs, drug eruption types, clinical analysis