
SCR脱硝技术在600MW燃煤机组上应用的工艺设计 被引量:3

Process Design of SCR De-NOx Technology in 600MW Coal-fired Units
摘要 选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝技术是目前最成熟、脱硝效率最高、应用最为广泛的脱硝技术,结合该技术在某660MW燃煤机组的应用情况,介绍了SCR脱硝技术,分析其技术特点、工艺流程、各系统和主要设备设计的特点,包括SCR反应器、催化剂、吹灰系统、氨稀释和喷射系统、氨储存和供给等系统的设计参数和设计依据,为类似的工程设计提供参考和借鉴。 Selective Catalytic Reduction Process is a high-efficient denitrification technology of flue gas, which is applied widely and successfully in the world. Based on the application of the SCR De-NOx technology in a 600MW coal-fired unit., the paper describes its denitrificaiton principle, and also analyzes of its technical characteristics, technological process, the design features of different systems and main equipments, that including the design parameters and its primary of SCR reactor, catalyst, blowing system, ammonia dilution and injection system, ammonia storage and supply system, etc. Meanwhile, it provides an important guidance and reference for similar projects.
出处 《上海节能》 2013年第6期31-36,共6页 Shanghai Energy Saving
关键词 选择性催化还原 烟气脱硝 设计参数 借鉴 Selective Catalytic Reduction Flue Gas Denitrification Design Parameters Reference
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