
货币政策的价格预期传导机制 被引量:2

The Conduction Mechanism of the Monetary Policy through the Medium of the Price Expectation
摘要 通过建立价格预期影响居民和厂商决策的数理模型,阐明了未来价格预期对居民的现期消费需求和货币需求,以及厂商投资需求、劳动要素需求和产品定价行为的影响。在此基础上,进一步研究了以价格预期作为传导中介的货币政策传导机制过程,并探讨了这种传导机制的目标体系,价格预期中介目标的可测性、可控性和相关性以及理想的货币政策操作规程。 Through constructing the model of how the price expectation affects the people' s decision - making, the paper formulates the influences of the future price expectation on the households' current consumption and mo- netary demands, as well as the manufacturers' investment & labor demands and the product pricing. Based on the model, the paper further studies the conduction mechanism of the monetary policy through the medium of the price expectation. The target system of this conduction mechanism, the measurability, controllability and correlation of the intermediate target of the price expectation, and the suitable operation rules are also discussed in the paper.
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期23-29,共7页 On Economic Problems
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目成果(12XNH067)
关键词 价格预期 经济决策 货币政策 price expectation economic decision monetary policy
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