
国外属性议程设置研究进展述评 被引量:24

Study on the Development of Foreign Attribute Agenda-setting Research
摘要 属性议程设置理论自20世纪90年代被提出以来,发展至今已走过十五个年头。通过梳理西方在属性议程设置方面取得的研究成果发现,在属性议程设置理论发展的早期阶段,属性议程设置的定位问题成为学界争论的焦点;在属性议程设置效果影响因素研究中对传统议程设置的相关理论有所借鉴;内容分析法与舆论调查相结合和实验法是主要研究方法;新媒体环境下属性议程设置功能的有效发挥鲜有关注;属性议程设置研究在中国的相对滞后值得关注。 Attribute agenda-setting theory has gone through 15 years since it was proposed during the 1990s. In the early stages of attribute agenda-setting theory, foreign scholars focused on how to define the attribute agenda setting. Content analysis with public opinion surveys and the experimental method are the main research methods. Scholars paid little attention to whether media's attribute agenda-setting is functional to audience in this new media context. What's more, researches on attribute agenda-setting are lagging in China.
作者 陈强
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期47-54,共8页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"国家政治安全视角下的互联网虚拟社会风险治理研究"(项目编号:11&ZD033)最终成果的一部分~~
关键词 属性 属性议程 属性议程设置 attribute, attribute agenda, attribute agenda-setting
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